Tynemouth’s First Tripadvisor Review
“Thick sea-frets roll in, wrapping everything in gloom. Dim eyes, hoarse voices, sore throats are the consequence. Spring and summer never come. The north wind is always blowing. Birds nest in the rocks and greedily prey upon the drowned. The people who live by the shore feed upon black, evil-smelling seaweed; the constant eating of it turns their complexions black. The sea air blights the blossoms; you think yourself lucky if you find a wizened apple, but it will set your teeth on edge. See to it, dear brother, that you do not come to so comfortless a place. But the church is of wondrous beauty.”
A letter from one of the monks of Tynemouth to a comrade in St. Alban’s.
Painting: Tynemouth Priory Exterior Conjectural Restoration — John Storey
Excellent! Just read this again!