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INSSA Committee Statement to Members and Supporters following the Meeting with North Shields FC’s Committee

On Monday 4th March INSSA’s interim committee met with that of NSFC in the Robin’s Nest, accompanied by Garreth Cummins of The FSA.

The tone of the meeting was cordial, introductions were made, and proposals were submitted by INSSA.

NSFC’s committee declined INSSA’s request to examine the finances of the club. A particular reason for this was due to competitors from rival football teams being made aware of this information.

It was also confirmed the club has no business or continuity plan, as overheads cannot be estimated pending changes in weather and other variables. Several contradictory remarks were made when the gravity of the financial crisis was queried by INSSA.

It is incumbent upon NSFC’s committee however and not INSSA’s to fully inform supporters and the community of the club’s financial status. INSSA lacks the authority, mechanism and resources to probe NSFC’s finances.

What INSSA does not lack is a positive vision and motivation, powered by you our members, to raise as many funds as possible, ensuring every single penny spent is accounted for, allocated democratically and recorded transparently.

We continue our journey with you, our members, to make the best possible effort to guarantee NSFC’s survival on your terms.

We have requested a further meeting with NSFC, to continue engaging, and build on Monday’s discussions. We will notify our members when this meeting date is arranged.

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